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Zoya Parkier 

Founder and Director of Finance:
-Responsible for setting product overheads and other reccuring costs.
- Made sure our innovation was economically viable.
-"Finance is a way to solidify the validity of an idea in the real world"
-Academic weapon of destruction.


Rostik Marishchuk

Head of marketing:
-Rostik was responsible of making sure our innovation was not only effective but truely fulfilled customer needs
-Market research and data collection.
-"Creating an innovation that is not only effective but that could possibly transform an industry for the better is what I found the most  rewarding."
- Averaged 18-2 in FUT Champs.


Noah Stanger

Head of App Development and UI

-Tasked with making the app comprehensible and simple to use.
- Implemented all the functionnalities and passionate by web design.
-" Having a vision in your mind and seeing it come out as a functional product is very gratifying"
- Actively seeking to discuss the political and economic state of the world.


Zac Janse Van de Resburg

Member of scientific operations
​-Background in biology and physics makes him very versatile.
-Has a passion for scientific research and development.
-"Science is a language that can be read to understand our world."
- Level. 16 Town hall in Clash of Clans"



Alexander Foo

Head of scientific operations

- Alexander is passionate of using biological reasoning and data as a means to create large scale solutions
- "What initially intrigued me was how the collection of hormone samples could be used to identify pathways to recovery."
-Plans to pursue medical device engineering.
-Top 0.1% listener of Red Hot Chilli Peppers on Spotify.


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